Music in the Great North Woods
2016 Concert Season
MGNW 2016 Concert Schedule
"A Brush through the House"
Sunday, June 5 @ 2:00 pm
Susan Ferré, organist
Organ Recital and Multi-media Presentation
Videotaped to be part of MusForum's International Week of Concerts by and about women
Made possible by a grant from NH State Council on the Arts
St. Kieran Community Center for the Arts, Berlin, NH
“Songs & Poems for Mother Earth”
Sunday, July 24 @ 3:00 pm
A choral/hymn festival directed by Susan Ferré,
with poetry selected and recited by Charles S. Brown,
and solos by Daniel Cardenas-Osorio.
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Berlin, NH
Randolph Church Concert: Ernie Drown, with Cameo Baroque
Sunday, August 7 @ 4:00 pm
Hanover organist and harpsichordist
with Beth Hilgartner and Leslie Stroud, Baroque flutists
and guest Charles Lang, viola da gamba and violoncello
Randolph Church, Randolph, NH
Big Moose Bach Fest VII
Labor Day Weekend
Various venues
Sunday, June 5 @ 2:00 pm
Susan Ferré, organist
Organ Recital and Multi-media Presentation
Videotaped to be part of MusForum's International Week of Concerts by and about women
Made possible by a grant from NH State Council on the Arts
St. Kieran Community Center for the Arts, Berlin, NH
“Songs & Poems for Mother Earth”
Sunday, July 24 @ 3:00 pm
A choral/hymn festival directed by Susan Ferré,
with poetry selected and recited by Charles S. Brown,
and solos by Daniel Cardenas-Osorio.
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Berlin, NH
Randolph Church Concert: Ernie Drown, with Cameo Baroque
Sunday, August 7 @ 4:00 pm
Hanover organist and harpsichordist
with Beth Hilgartner and Leslie Stroud, Baroque flutists
and guest Charles Lang, viola da gamba and violoncello
Randolph Church, Randolph, NH
Big Moose Bach Fest VII
Labor Day Weekend
Various venues